To raise awareness and build enthusiasm for walking and wheeling.
A coordinated campaign featuring activities, events and communications highlighting the many benefits of active school travel for students, families and the wider community. Campaign messaging should focus on positive and encouraging sentiments, such as the mental health benefits of physical activity, the positive impacts of walking/wheeling on academic performance, and the improved air quality and traffic safety conditions when less people drive.
Planning a schedule of campaign activities to happen throughout the school year is a good way to keep the benefits top-of-mind for families, gradually shifting perceptions about safety and convenience, and ultimately building a school culture that supports walking and cycling. A campaign can incorporate fun events and activities such as a Walk and Wheel Day, Steps Challenge, Greening Tree Activity, Dress for the Weather and/or Anti-Idling Campaign.
An Awareness Campaign should ideally use a variety of communications tools, including:
– Announcements & Posters
– Newsletter articles
– School website & social media
– Classroom activities
– Assembly
– Press releases to attract local media coverage
To ensure an Awareness Campaign is inclusive and equitable, communications for families should be translated into the most common languages spoken in the local community.
Materials for making posters or other campaign elements, prizes for contests.
Students, teachers, school staff, public health nurses, school council.
Benefits of Active School Travel by Green Communities Canada
Back to School Campaign, including sample messages and graphics by Green Communities Canada
Raising physically literate kids by Active for Life
Active and Safe Routes to School Teacher’s Kit by City of Toronto