Phase 1: Set-up the project
Getting started involves appointing a Facilitator, identifying the schools and stakeholders to participate, and establishing committees to support and oversee the School Travel Planning process.

Tools for Phase 1a:
Set-up at the regional level
Guide for Regional Stakeholders
The Guide for Regional Stakeholders provides information to help regional and/or municipal stakeholders to establish and support a School Travel Planning program.
The Equity and Engagement in School Travel Planning report provides Regional Stakeholders with resources, strategies, and tools to prioritize equity during the process of establishing a STP program.
Establishing Regional STP Committee:
- Overview of School Travel Planning
- Regional STP Committee Member Statement of Support
- Regional STP Committee Terms of Reference
Hiring STP Facilitator(s):
Building support for Active School Travel:
Sample Active School Travel Charters:
- Waterloo Region District School Board – Active Transportation Charter
- Hamilton Wentworth District School Board – Hamilton Active and Sustainable Transportation Charter
- Halton District School Board – Active Transportation Charter

Tools for Phase 1b:
Set-up at school level
Guide for Facilitators
The Guide for Facilitators provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for Facilitators to take schools through the School Travel Planning process.
The Equity and Engagement in School Travel Planning report provides Facilitators with resources, tools, and ideas to improve equity when they begin their community engagement process.
Briefing documents for school Principals:
Sample School Travel Plans:
- Lester B. Pearson Public School, Ajax
- Memorial Elementary School, Hamilton
- St. John Paul II Catholic School, Ottawa
- St. Thomas d’Aquinas School, Thunder Bay
Securing school agreement to participate:
- School Agreement
- Risk Management and Active School Travel
- Sample Ethics Application
- School Travel Plan Template
Establishing a School STP Committee:
Communicating to the school community:
STP logo is available on request