To give students the confidence and skills to enjoy cycling safely.
A bike rodeo is a fun, hands-on educational event designed to teach students how to ride their bikes confidently in a variety of conditions. Students develop their cycling skills under supervision on an enclosed site, usually the school yard or the gym. Students practise skills such as balance/riding in a straight line, stopping, turning, and changing gears. Additionally, they typically learn about basic bicycle inspection, accessories to be visible and heard, as well as cycling safety rules for riding on sidewalks and roads. A bike rodeo ideally involves parents and caregivers to help them feel confident about their child’s growing cycling competence.
Traffic-free paved area (parking lot/playground), sidewalk chalk, pylons, bicycles, helmets, bicycle pump and repair tools, first aid kit, miniature street signs (optional).
Physical education teachers, police services, local municipality, local cycling advocacy groups, parents and caregivers.
“Planning a Bicycle Rodeo” by CAA South Central Ontario
“Tips for organizing successful bike rodeos” by Green Communities Canada
CANBIKE videos (road rules, ideas for obstacles, etc.)
OPHEA Guidelines for cycling (elementary school level)
OPHEA Guidelines for cycling (secondary school level)